i am here to blog about orientation.
its great man! we have six clan : alpha, beta, delta, gamma, sigma and theta.
i am theta, and there are 30 OGs
and i am OG30.
there are a total of 19 members in my group,
everyone of them is special in their own ways.
also i must mention my OGL mate, yanting
who was very supportive of me :)
at the start, day 1 : everyone were strangers sitting together.
they dont talk and interact,
maybe because it is after the boring subject talks and all.
but towards the end of the day, they started talking to one another.
this show signs that they will bond. (which i believe so)
on day 2: in the morning, they came back juz like the previous day
very quiet and sticking to their own comfort zones.
i almost wanted to give up on them.
but when station games starts, they starting working together and signs of teamwork begin to show.
i think they enjoyed the mass dance even though they were not very sure of the steps.
after distribution of O'pack, they went home.
day 3: this is the best day for the whole of theta clan because they are the most enthu.
they are enthu with the fun dance
they tried their best cheering
and i think they did a great job with the para para.
we rocked the school during dinner n dance with our para para moves, and we got the best dance group!
even after that, the finale dances, everyone was super high! haha..
i am sure everyone left with great memories in their minds.
to OG30: i dont know if you will see my blog,
but i really hope to see you guys stay in PJC,
you guys rox!
and rmb to read the card and use the eraser we gave u all.. haha!
and eat the tibits too. hahaha..
i hope this orientation leaves you with a great memory which you can rekindle even long after orientation. also, i hope the friendship made and bonds forged will not only be there for orientation, but it should be there ever after.
so next time, do say hi to each other(including me! haha)
ya. so i see you guys on monday.
take care and have a great weekend.
gtg. bye!