About Me





31st dec

yea! i am back.
and this will be the 101th post.
just at the right time because in about 11hrs time it will be a brand new year.
my new year resolution will be : ... ... ...(secret)

of course i will also hope for the more common stuff like:
good results, good health, wealth ...
basically just hoping for everything to be good.
i know next year will be a tough year.
perhaps the toughest that i have to go through in my naive 17 years.
so.. i have to work doubly hard.

but for the meantime,
i have to go finish my holiday assignments first.
it prints "december holidays assignment"
and look, its 31st december today!
its now or never.. haha...
off to mug. bye!

japan trip photos

hello! this is my 100th post and i shall post some photo from japan.
not all though, cause it will take a bloody loooong time to upload.
just some nicer ones.haha..
i am lazy to type a caption for every photo
so just view and enjoy.
anyway, it goes according to the days that had passed.

the end. hope u enjoy! haha..
u can look at more photos over at my sister's blog
i have the link over on the right. haha...

back from japan


will updated on the trip soon so STAY TUNED. haha:)