About Me






a LLLOOONNNGGG time since i last blog...

anyway, i have been slacking all my life in JC...
haha... haven't really have the mentality to mug for exams...
perhaps what junyi say is true..
those who never go for PAE are prone to the relaxing days...
indeed i am... haha...
sometimes, i really wan to spend more time with my friends...
i have... but in the expense of my studies...
more often than not, i sacrifice studies for friends...
is it worth it? actually i am not very sure...
but what i know is that i would not want to be left alone in the future...
that's why i treasure friends alot...

coming to Pioneer, i feel that i have drifted further away from my sec sch friends...
i missed the times in NPCC, my sec 2 n 4 class...even my pri sch playmates..
they have all been great people who walked into my life...
and they either stayed in my life or moved on..
whichever the choice..be sure that everyone that i know has a part in my heart...
i know i am being emo..
but i really like the fun in secondary school..
playing bball after classes... doing drills in the sun... even goin to school tgt...
it's not that my friends in JC are no good..
but i think it is the feeling that is different...
after i read my friend's blog..
i recall just last year where my grp of friends were singing happily in full np u during the national day celebration...
it is so unlike in JC.. even though the grp of friends now do sing hapily too...
the atmosphere is alot different..
in sec sch, people get influenced and sang along..
now, people will think that you have a screw loose in your head...
everything is so different in JC...
it a huge step from the enjoyable secondary school days...
imagine studying 1 week before exams in sec sch..
what will you get? CCC? BBC?
it just so diffcult to fail in sec sch..
in JC? under the same circumstances...
you shld be beaming if u can get a EEE or DDD...
haha.. it just so different..

but nevertheless.. this is not the time to look back..
it's time to look forward..
no point moaning about the past...
start cheering about the future..
no point thinking abt what u have achieved..
think abt what you CAN achieve..
everyone is a talent in one way or another..
hopefully i find mine soon...
haha.. gtg.. bye... :)