ned: yup.. long time nv update.. haha... vey busy but i know you always got update.. haha...
Pre-University Seminar 2007 is offically over...
hai... so sad... i miss SG3..
all the time we spent together...
even though we were tired... we stayed with each other and supported each other for the five long days... will always remember you guys!
the scandals.. the blindmice game...
those are the memories that i will remember...
thanks for providing these memories to me!
haha..don't be so emo le... shall post some pics...
a picture says a thousand words..
i am a SLO for SG3!!! and i love them(though i didn't express it) haha....
SG3!! missing a few ppl though.. will post the updated one soon!
my SLO partner, JANICE! haha... thanks for being there and helping me along.. though i didn't talk alot but i hope you will understand that i really appreciate your presence and your help..
my hostel room! the place where i slept for the 6 days..
on the left my room mate patrick! n on the right is aidil... both of them are sharing a cake for their birthday..
of course, all the things cannot be done with the help of our cluster..
our cluster photo...
thanks to every cluster 1 member for making this event so memorable..
special thanks to shee kwang for being our leader and trying his best to help us...
not forgetting mr chia and other SLO teachers for making this event possible.. general, thanks to everyone in Pre-U Sem 2007..
ok.. gtg.. will always remember Pre-U sem 07 and SG3(u guys rock!)